
The Truth About Long-Distance Relationships & How To Survive One

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

AD - This blog post is sponsored, but all opinions are my own

Lockdown has meant that couples are living together constantly or living apart for long periods. It can be hard to survive in a long-distance relationship, but the lockdown has proved that it's not impossible. Whether you're looking for dates or have already found your other half, nothing can prepare you for a distanced relationship. Here are some truths about long-distance relationships and how you can maintain a healthy one!

It's Not Impossible To Find Dates

With an endless amount of free dating sites, there's always the opportunity to find your next match. Just because we're in lockdown doesn't mean you can't find the love of your life. Matchmehappy.co.uk allows you to meet singles all over the UK and arrange dates that comply with social distancing measures. It also means you can find people all over the country to match with. Once you've found your match, you can let the long-distance relationship begin! Just because you're far away or shielding, doesn't mean you can't date. Dating sites are all online, so long-distance dating is made easier!

You Need To Communicate Well

Every relationship is built off of communication. When you're in an LDR, communication over the phone or text is all you have to go off. If you want your relationship to thrive, you're going to need to communicate well and frequently. Updating your other half, saying what you mean and not getting upset over little things will help your relationship stay strong. You also will need to understand the other person too. Remember, a text can be said 1000 ways, so don't jump to conclusions. If something sounds off, talk to your partner. 

Emotionally & Physically, You Need To Be Ready

I am quite a clingy person, so when lockdown came in, I struggled with the distance. Lockdown isn't the same as a long-distance relationship, but I learnt that you need to be ready for it. It's difficult when you can't physically see your partner, but you need to be strong enough to push past the distance. To survive your relationship, you need to be mentally strong and able to cope when plans change. When you only see your partner once every few months, cancellations can be heart-breaking. Being able to cope with the heartbreak, distance and lack of sexual contact, will make your relationship strong. 

Expect To Travel Occasionally

When you're in a long-distance relationship, you're going to need to make time for in-person dates and visits. Not only do you need to be prepared to travel as your partner won't always want to, but you're going to need to consider the costs. Travelling can be expensive, especially if you're flying to another country or using trains in the UK. To make your LDR work, you're going to have to travel. Travelling can be a nightmare, especially if you don't like public transport or driving. Showing a willingness to split a train ticket or travelling to your partner will help your relationship. Compromising or working out a schedule can help avoid arguments and make things a lot easier to work with. 

Date Nights Make The Distance Easier

I am a sucker for date night. I love dressing up or going out for a nice meal. Since lockdown, I've really missed date nights. If you want to make your relationship work, schedule date nights regularly. You don't need to meet up to have a date night. Date nights allow you to get to know your partner more, spend time with each other and spend the night doing something fun together. There are so many at-home alternatives! Some of my favourite virtual date nights are: 

  • Use Netflix Party to stream a movie together
  • Play Xyzzy (online Cards Against Humanity)
  • Challenge each other on Xbox, Playstation or computer games
  • Explore a virtual tour together
  • Cook the same recipe and enjoy a meal over facetime 
  • Take time to learn about your date and quiz each other
  • Have a book club evening
  • Take an online course together
  • Make care packages for each other and unbox them over call
  • Create a playlist together
  • Order each other a meal to try

You Need To Connect With The Family

When lockdown came into play, I couldn't see my boyfriend for a while. I spoke to him most days, but I also messaged his family to check on them. This helped both my relationship with his family but also with my boyfriend as it showed caring and compassion. If you want your LDR to thrive, communication with your partner's family is really important. It shows that you want to be involved, keeps you connected and makes things less awkward when you see them next! Whether you phone them every Sunday evening or message them occasionally, the thought behind a message can brighten someone's day and make them like you more! 

Trust Is Important To Survival

I believe that there's no relationship if there's no trust. To make a long-distance relationship work, you need to trust the other person. Whether you're trusting them with a secret or trusting them not to cheat on you, trust is fundamental to a relationship. Trust is a building block for any kind of relationship, but the key to a long-distance one as you'll be spending less time with them in person. It can be hard to trust people, especially if you've had issues with people in the past, but if you want your relationship to thrive, you need to let go. To build trust with the other person, you could try the following exercises: 

  • Be vulnerable around the other person - let them into troubling pasts etc. 
  • Give them the benefit of the doubt
  • Talk straight to each other - don't waltz around something, say it straight
  • Share secrets and keep promises to each other

Long-distance relationships can be hard, but if you're willing to put in the effort, they can become something amazing! It's been a tough few months, and my heart goes out to those who are still unable to see their partners. Do you have a long-distance relationship? What are your favourite virtual date night ideas? Let me know how you cope with the distance and how far you have to travel to see your significant other! 

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  1. Aw I love this! My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship and lockdown definitely made it harder but we're out the other side and it's all perfect still! Still haven't had our first date night again since though which i think needs to change haha!x

    1. Aw, I hope that changes soon! It's great that you're making it work though! Thank you for reading and commenting

      Em x

  2. So many great ideas here. I can’t imagine not being with my fiancé over lockdown but these ideas would really help x

    1. I haven't enjoyed being without my boyfriend - It's great that you're able to stay with your partner! Thank you for reading and commenting

      Em x

  3. Trust is definitely the number 1 thing in a LDR, without it there's no point to even try. I found myself in a LDR most of the time with my ex because he traveled a lot and for long times. There was no trust either way so obviously it didn't work out. Now I find myself again in a relationship where work takes my man away for 3 weeks at a time. But this time around the communication works, there's trust and it all makes waiting for him completely doable.

    Teresa Maria | Outlandish Blog

    1. I think LDRs are really tough as it is, but when there's no trust, you just worry the whole time. I hope you're doing okay! Thank you for reading and commenting

      Em x

  4. I think trust and communication are key to any relationship, and even more so in long distance relationships. Learning to communicate well in relationships is a great skill to have!

  5. Thanks for sharing- I'm in a long distance relationship and it can be so difficult- I think straight talking is so important.

  6. I love your long distance date night ideas. So creative and much better than just talking or texting.

    1. It's good to spice it up a bit! Thank you for reading and commenting

      Em x

  7. These are such great tips! My boyfriend were kinda long distance when we first started dating, but were still only 3 hours apart. We visited on the weekends but these ideas would have been great ways to connect during the week while we were apart. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It's great that you're finding ways to make it work! Thank you for reading and commenting

      Em x

  8. These are such great tips for a LDR Em, communication and trust is the key to make any LDR work x

    Lucy | www.lucymary.co.uk

  9. When I started dating my boyfriend I made it clear that I was not made for long distance relationships, so if we're going to stay together we need to see each other physically at least once or twice a week. I don't know how people do the long distance thing, I love cuddles way too much.

    All the best from South Africa, Michelle (michellesclutterbox.com)

    1. I think it's really tough to decide between love and distance. Thank you for reading and commenting

      Em x
