The Ultimate Guide To Pitching Collaborations To Brands!
Friday, July 17, 2020
If you’re looking to work with brands, you’d be surprised that most of the time, the brands don’t come to you! Pitching to brands is a skill you need to learn if you’re looking to have gifted or sponsored posts on your blog. Here is my guide on pitching to brands, so you get to work with the brands you love! I have been blogging for over 4 years and have received an amazing array of collaborations. I know a lot about the dos and don'ts of pitching!

What is pitching?
Pitching to a brand is essentially where you show why you’re worth working with. You typically will find and offer or create your own, and then sell yourself to a brand. Pitching is how you will get collaborations with brands, and is a bit like a written/virtual interview. You typically will need a media kit and a compelling email about yourself and why you should work with a brand.
Why should I Pitch to Brands?
Having brands come to you is amazing, and it can happen, but it isn’t as frequent as pitching and going out there yourself. If you’re really wanting to work with a brand, don’t wait for them to come to you, reach out to them. You should pitch to brands if you’re looking to work with brands on gifted, sponsored or pre-written advertorial posts. It is great to show initiative and get yourself out there. Some of the benefits of reaching out to brands are:
- You put yourself in the eyes of brands who may not have heard of you before
- You can learn how to pitch and sell yourself - this can help your self-confidence!
- You have a better shot at working with the brands you want, rather than waiting for them to come to you
- You can build relationships for future collaborations
- You can work with brands that suit you and your blog, rather than accepting an offer from a brand that is left field.
What You Should Consider Before Pitching
Pitching to 100 brands and working with all of them, sounds like an amazing thing to do. It can be exciting when you receive a parcel or payment. Here are a few things you need to consider before accepting a collaboration or pitching:
- Are you ready for your pitch? - Make sure you have all the right bits together and that you're mentally/physically ready to accept collaborations.
- Do you have evidence? - You need to have evidence that you have an engaged readership and that you have blog posts to back up your pitch. Brands want to see work you've previously done.
- Does it fit your blog or audience? - It is easy to fire off 100 pitches to various brands, but make sure they align with your audience, ethos or niche.
- Have you done your research? - Make sure you've checked this brand is legit, is exactly who you'd like to feature and that they have similar morals to you. You don't want to work with a cosmetics company which tests on animals if you run a vegan blog!
- Are you happy with the collaboration? - If the brand offers you £15 for a post and promotion, will you be happy to accept that? Make sure you know what you want, and what's fair! Know your worth.
Where Can You Find Opportunities?
There are many places that you can find blogging opportunities! You just need to know the right places to look. Here are a few of my favourites and ones that I have had success with. I also have written a post which gives more details on finding collaborations, what to charge and everything else you need to know!
There are so many Facebook groups out there! If you have a Facebook page for your blog, apply to be a part of these blogging groups as there are daily opportunities. There are lots of opportunities being posted daily, so you can apply to lots! They are also a great way to connect with other bloggers and ask for guidance. Some of my favourites are "Pitching & Motivation For UK Bloggers" and "UK Influencer Opportunities".
Twitter is an amazing place for bloggers! There are lots of opportunities for bloggers being released daily. Look out for hashtags like "bloggerswanted" or "bloggersrequired", as this will be where you find callouts for collaborations. These aren't as frequent as Facebook, but I find that there are more paid opportunities. Other hashtags to watch out for are "prrequest" and "journorequest".
Get Blogged
If you have a DA score of over 10, you can apply for sponsored blog posts on a website called Get Blogged. There are 100s of opportunities, but they don't always pay the highest amounts. There is a range of opportunities that you can apply for. Make sure you fill out all of your details and social media correctly. You're more likely to get accepted into collaborations!
Let's get on to pitching! If those aren't working out for you, you can reach out to brands yourself. This allows you to choose your brands and may be more successful than media callouts because you don't have as much competition. To find jobs through email, look for a PR email address on a brands website. You will then need to draft an email and pitch to them about your collaboration!
How to Pitch to Brands
As I mentioned above, the main way to pitch to brands is via the email. You can do this through their website or via their PR representative. It is something that a lot of bloggers will do, especially when they're looking to start collaborating with brands. When you start pitching, you will need a few things:
- A quality & up-to-date media kit
- A convincing pitch
- Confidence
Here's how you should structure your email...
Paragraph 1
Say hello and introduce yourself. This paragraph doesn't need to be very long, perhaps a few lines. When saying hello, include the name of the person you're talking to if you can. Say who you are, what you blog about and add a clickable link back to your website.
Paragraph 2
Talk about the brand. In this paragraph, mention some of the things you like about the brand, and, how it matches your image. This is where you can show off your research, but don't make it too long. If they have a product coming out, mention that you're excited to see it launch. If you saw something on social media, bring it into the conversation. You want to show the brand that you have a genuine interest in them and that your email isn't generic.
Paragraph 3
The big pitch. We have made it through the easy parts, now you need to pitch your blog and collaboration! You want to sell yourself and your collaboration, so try and have an idea of how you want to work with them. If you aren't sure on the type of collaboration, mention that you're interested in working together on an upcoming blog post.
In this paragraph, try and include your idea, how the brand will fit into the collaboration, and what how they'll benefit from it. It is also a good idea to mention how you aim to promote it and when it's due to go live. Don't worry if you don't have a set date, this can be negotiated later on.
Paragraph 4
Ending your pitch. Once you've done all of that, you're ready to end off! Thank the brand for their time and that you're looking forward to their reply. I like to mention that I am open to ideas as the brand may have a different approach to collaborations.
Make sure you attach your media kit afterwards! If you don't have one, I have a media kit guide post with step by step help!
What If I Get Rejected?
Sadly, you will get ignored or rejected emails. It is a part of blogging that can't be avoided. Don't get put off, it just wasn't your time. Make sure you dust it off and get back out there. There is an opportunity for everyone! You shouldn't feel disheartened. Sometimes there isn't the budget while other times it's because you aren't the right fit.
If you don't get a reply, don't chase the brand. Brands receive many similar emails, have your message go to spam or even have gatekeepers that don't recognise that your email is genuine.
If you get a no, don't push for it. Kindly say thank you for the response and ask if you could be kept in mind for future opportunities. You may not be suitable for a brand, and that's okay! Don't get put off, there is a brand out there for you!
Red Flags To Watch Out For
Asking Your To Pay For The Product Or Shipping
When you're collaborating with brands, you're not responsible for covering the cost. If they ask for you to pay for anything, you should turn down the opportunity. Even if it is postage, the time and effort it takes for you doesn't deserve you paying for an item. A brand should pay you for gifted collaborations if the product isn't high value or you're doing a lot of work. Some brands may say that they will refund you the cost, but even then, it's not worth the time or hassle. Steer clear of collaborations you pay for!
Insisting Do-Follow Links
A brand can't pay for do-follow links as you can be penalised by Google. If a brand insists on do-follow links for a paid or gifted collaboration, you may want to reconsider it. If you've been gifted or paid for a post, you need to disclose the partnership with AD or Gifted. If you don't, you can harm your brand, and it's an FTC guideline. If a brand asks you to not disclose your partnership, it's worth declining the collaboration.
Are you ready to get out there? Make sure you're confident in your blog and can take on paid or gifted work. You need to ensure you have the right legal pages and have the time to write these posts. Have you ever pitched to a brand before? Comment below with any advice you think other people should know about pitching!
Some great tips for those just getting into pitching to brands. I always say go for it because the worst they can say is no! I use Jenna Farmer's pitching eBook which is just brilliant x
ReplyDeleteThat's my thought! I really love pitching, it increases my confidence a lot. Thank you for the recommendation!
DeleteEm x
I am just finalising my media kit and brand logo to fit in with my blog. Confidence is what I lack but hopefully once my blog is a year old (next month!) I will get up the courage to pitch! A fab post thank you
That's really exciting! Good luck on pitching, thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
These are some really great tips. Pitching to brands can be so daunting yet so rewarding if they choose to work with you so its definitely worth getting it right.
ReplyDeleteIt's scary, but I love negotiating! thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
I am planning to pitch to brands soon, but I am working now to grow my blog and followers coz it is sadly the biggest factor on why brands would collaborate with you (in my country). Thanks for these helpful tips!
ReplyDeleteAw, well I wish you all the best when pitching! thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
These are some fantastic tips! I'm super lazy so I usually wait and see if brands approach me lol.
ReplyDeleteI'd not heard of Get Blogged before so I think I'll have to check them out! Thanks :) xx
Holly |
Sometimes I do because it can be a lot of work! thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
Love this sound advice. I often wonder how to pitch to brands and never quite feel brave enough but, your advice is so helpful. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteKate | x
Pitching can be dauting, but it is so rewarding! thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
These are some absolutely fantastic tips here Em. I am trying to get a media kit together at the moment to start pitching to brands and I think that your advice is really sound. Thanks for sharing - have bookmarked this!
ReplyDeletePaige // Paige Eades
Aw, I bet your media kit will look amazing! I loved creating mine, I thought it was really fun! thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
This is all really helpful information! I'm not quite at the point of pitching to brands yet but it's helpful to at least starting considering these things. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteGood luck in the future! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
Great post with awesome tips!
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
These tips are amazing! I love pitching to brands!
ReplyDeleteLove, Amie ❤
The Curvaceous Vegan
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
I've never heard of Get Blogged! And I hit a DA of 11 now, so I'll have to check it out! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteYayy well done! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
Great advice! The worst anyone can say is no so it's definitely worth pitching to brands.
ReplyDeleteExactly! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
Thanks for sharing, I have done a couple of pitches, I found it hard to write why they should choose me, so having a few tips is great, so I know what to write for a pitch. I will check out Get Blogged to see if I qualify for it :)
ReplyDeleteNic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes
Good luck with your pitches! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
This is great! I have been looking for something this, I’m still working on getting more audience and engagement but want to Realy learn how to approacha brands when I’m ready
ReplyDeleteThat's a good plan, don't rush! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
Great tips for those that are new to pitching! It's always a bit daunting to start with, but the first is always the worst xo
ReplyDeleteMakeup Muddle
Good luck for when you try! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
Love this guide and how you explained pitching so well. Just subscribed- I can't wait to build my portfolio/media kit! x
ReplyDeleteAw thank you so much! What is your blog link, I can't find it? Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
These are great tips for me, dear! I'm starting working on pitching to brands but not really sure how to start lol Thank you :D
ReplyDeleteGood luck! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
So much fabulous info to bring our business to the next level! Thank you for always giving the very best advice!
ReplyDeleteGood luck!! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
Hey Emily, thanks for writing this guide. I find it very useful and I have never heard of Get Blog! I'll be bookmarking this blog post for future reference. :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with pitching etc! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
This is a really helpful post! I've managed to secure some collabs from pitching before but I like your tips about bringing things into conversation that you've seen on social media. That's a great idea and I'll definitely do that going forwards. Thank you for the very helpful tips
ReplyDeleteThat's amazing, well done! I hope you can get even more in the future! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
Lovely post. I'm new to the blogging world and this information is so helpful to me. Thanks so much for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the time to read and comment!
DeleteEm x
Great post thank you, brilliant tips to go away and try!
ReplyDeleteThis was a fantastic post, Emily! :D
ReplyDeleteYour tips were really helpful, especially the section on where to find paid blogging opportunities - I hadn't even considered Facebook!
I definitely feel more confident about pitching to brands now. In fact, I've just tracked down the PR email address for one of my long-time favourite brands!
Thanks so much for the advice and inspiration! ♡
This was super useful! Thank you so much!! It’s always nice to read things like this so the idea of pitching to a brand isn’t completely alien and it makes it slightly less scary!
ReplyDeleteLifeRightNowx -
This is so helpful! Thank you for writing this.